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Admission Criteria
In the Royal Borough of Greenwich, the local authority makes decisions about admitting children to community schools.
If there are more applications than places available at Eltham Hill School, the admission authority will use their admission criteria to decide which applications to accept. The published admission number for Eltham Hill School is 225.
Most schools in Royal Greenwich including Eltham Hill School use the following admission criteria.
First priority will go to children with a statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care (EHC) plan naming the school.
Remaining places will be allocated in the following order:
- Looked after children and previously looked after children who have been adopted or become subject to child arrangements or a special guardianship order immediately after having been looked after. A looked after child is a child who is in the care of an English or Welsh local authority in accordance with section 22 (a) of the Children Act 1989.
- Children with a sibling – living at the same address – who is already attending the school at the time the child will be admitted. Sibling means a full, half, step, adopted or foster brother or sister. This does not include siblings who attend a school’s Post-16 provision.
- Children with an acute medical or social need for a particular school. This may also apply to an immediate family member. The application must be supported by a letter written by a professional such as a qualified medical practitioner, setting out the reasons why the school is the only one that can meet the child’s needs and the implications for the child if they are not offered a place at the school. Work commitments and childcare arrangements are not considered as being an acute medical or social need.
- Other children based on home to school distance. The distance from home to school is measured as a straight line from the centre of the home address to the centre of the school site. If two applicants live an equal distance from the school, the offer of a place will be decided by random allocation. Attendance at a school’s sixth form, children of staff, work commitments and childcare arrangements are not part of the decision making process.
If the school is oversubscribed then places are allocated to children in each band using the previously stated criteria.
For more information on admissions, please visit the Royal Borough of Greenwich website.
Royal Borough of Greenwich - applying for a secondary school placeIf you are interested in a Year 7 place at Eltham Hill School for September 2025, please see link below.
Your right to appeal
You have the right to appeal if your child has been refused a place at any school you have applied for. You will need to use the Royal Borough of Greenwich school admission appeal form to make an appeal. On the form, you'll need to detail the reasons you are appealing for a place at the school. You can also submit supporting evidence.
You can find further information, deadlines and how to appeal via the Royal Borough of Greenwich website here: